To all the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake
※ Please look at the bottom of the page.It is written in English.
私、花水由宇(hanami yuu)と運営する本当に本が読みたくなる読書のブログは、2013年3月11日に発生した東日本大震災で犠牲になられた方とご家族の皆様に哀悼の意を表し、今も暮らしに苦労されている方々こご心痛のほどお察しいたします。
To all the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Yuu Hanami and my blog 本当に本が読みたくなる読書のブログ, I will tell words of condolence to the people and families who were sacrificed by the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2013.
Time goes by fast. 8 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
A large earthquake occurred over and over in 8 years. The Nagano earthquake in 2014, the Kumamoto earthquake in 2016, the Osaka northern earthquake in 2018, and the Hokkaido Earth Iburi that I also experienced.
The magnitude of the earthquake is not the same as the magnitude of sorrow. However, the East Japan great earthquake that came out of the death toll of 20,000 people is an event that should not be forgotten in the Heisei era.
I saw the tsunami and the state of the city on TV. But at the same time I thought somewhere like a distant event.
Earthquakes and blackouts occurred last night at midnight. And I realized that earthquakes and disasters occur close to us.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the area in which I live may have been of use in support of those who suffered from the disaster.
I heard that after the Hokkaido Earth Iburi earthquake that occurred here, we have supplied supplies.
When it comes to a disaster, I think that each is "Otagai Sama".
「Nasake ha Hitonotamenarazu」=Mercy is for people. It can not be helped when it can not be helped,I want to keep that feeling.
Again, I will not forget the Great East Japan Earthquake.
2019.3.11,Yuu Hanami